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Tai Chi & Qi Gong

Tai Chi, which began as a martial or training art, is now widely used for health and wellness. It focuses on exercise and movement, and can be practiced by almost anyone in any situation. Tai Chi is referred to as moving meditation. It is a series of slow, gentle motions modeled after movements found in nature. The motions are mainly performed while standing but they can be modified for seated practitioners as well.
Qi Gong is often referred to as the ‘internal’ portion of tai chi. Its physical expression is characterized by stationary movements that are repeated a certain number of times, such as three, six or nine times. Qi means life force, the energy that powers our body and spirit. Gong is the term meaning work or gather. Qi Gong together means a form of movement and mind using intention and mindfulness to guide qi to make qi work.

Book Tai Chi
Dec 11 - Dec 17
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