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Cosmic Yoga

(Class - Mikayla)

  • 20 US dollars


(See Calendar for Weekly Class Times) Embark on a transformative journey where body, mind, and spirit unite in a harmonious flow of energy. Our Cosmic Yoga class offers a sanctuary for seekers of inner peace and cosmic alignment. Guided by the rhythmic pulse of the universe, this class invites you to explore the depths of your being through dynamic movement, breathwork, and meditation. As you move through asanas (poses) designed to awaken your cosmic energy centers, you'll cultivate a profound sense of connection to yourself, others, and the cosmos. Each session begins with grounding meditation, seamlessly transitioning into a dynamic flow synchronized with breath. Through mindful movement, intention-setting, and introspective postures, you'll cultivate inner peace and self-awareness. Conclude with blissful relaxation, basking in the cosmic vibrations that permeate the space. Whether you're new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, join us in exploring the path to inner harmony and cosmic alignment.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hrs in advance by calling 262-812-4000. The Space reserves the right to bill a cancellation fee and/or offer a partial refund up to 50% for any Service(s) that is canceled within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment.

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